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Fòk lang nou kore edikasyon ak inovasyon pou yon demen miyò ann Ayiti Pawòl Michel DeGraff

Pawòl Michel DeGraff


[Interview description]

Traces.Dreams is a place on the web for people interested in the past, passionate about the present and curious about the future. Traces.Dreams is where you can find inspiration through a multidisciplinary and multi-regional perspective. Our vision is to make the big questions and dreams of today’s researchers visible. We interview researchers from different disciplines and countries to get their perspective on their work, their views on life, their “whys”, their motivation and their wishes.

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The language we speak. Education, innovation and the future of Haiti

How does language use and suppression mirror societal power? What impact has colonialism had on the Haitian language? And how can linguists succeed in preserving creole
languages, and elevating their prestige in the eyes of native speakers and their
Michel DeGraff, a Haitian linguist and tenured professor at MIT, is interested in these
questions and more, using his work to try and understand how languages like Haitian Creole come into being, and how new varieties emerge due to the contact of nations throughout
Through his studies, and his own life growing up in Haiti and being forced to use French during his education, Michel believes that educating young people in their national language is essential for freedom.
In this video, he tells us why he set up the MIT Haiti Initiative after the country’s devastating earthquake and discusses the challenges and successes in training young linguists to
understand the structure of Haitian Creole, and bringing the language into the school system.

Michel Degraff is a professor of Linguistics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Director of the MIT-Haiti Initiative. He has served on the board of the Journal of Haitian Studies. He a founding member of the Haitian Creole Academy. His field of scholarship is the Creole language, also known as Lang Kreyòl Linguistics.
Traces.Dreams is a place on the web for people interested in the past, passionate about the present and curious about the future. Traces.Dreams is where you can find inspiration through a multidisciplinary and multi-regional perspective. Our vision is to make the big questions and dreams of today’s researchers visible. We interview researchers from different disciplines and countries to get their perspective on their work, their views on life, their “whys”, their motivation and their wishes.

Please find out more about the MIT – Haiti Initiative here:


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Nanotechnology, Rare Diseases, and Dreams

Dolores Bueno López, PhD Candidate, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain.

“I would like to see that science can really change our lives for better. Not only in curing illnesses but also in making us better people.”
– Dolores Bueno López

Modern medicine saves millions of lives around the world every year. But not all diseases get the same attention from the medical research. There are some rare diseases which are not investigated properly. The reason is the lack of resources. But there are researchers who are passionate about their work. Dolores Bueno Lopez is one of them.

Traces.Dreams is a place on the web for people interested in the past, passionate about the present and curious about the future. Traces.Dreams is where you can find inspiration through a multidisciplinary and multi-regional perspective. Our vision is to make the big questions and dreams of today’s researchers visible. We interview researchers from different disciplines and countries to get their perspective on their work, their views on life, their “whys”, their motivation and their wishes.

Full transcript with Dolores:…

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Science, Innovation, Partnerships and the future of Africa

Dr. Youssef Travaly (PhD, MBA) is the Next Einstein Forum Vice-President of Science Innovation & Institutional Partnerships. Youssef holds an MBA together with a PhD in Materials Science. He has extensive experience in a variety of sectors including semiconductor and biomedical research, low carbon circular economy and climate change.

“We are here to celebrate science. The transformative power of science in Africa.”

So began this year’s Next Einstein Forum, held in Rwanda at the end of March. This is the largest scientific gathering to ever take place in Africa, and its aim is to link African researchers around the world, and build the beginnings of a knowledge-economy which will transform the entire continent, and nurture its scientific talent.

Dr Youssef Travaly, the Vice President of Science, Innovation, and Partnerships for the Forum, holds a PhD, and has studied in Belgium, the US, and Senegal. Now based in Rwanda, he is an integral part of building this new community of inspiring African scientists.

Dr Travaly spoke to Traces.Dreams about the intricacies of the Next Einstein Forum, and what they are trying to achieve.

Traces.Dreams is a place on the web for people interested in the past, passionate about the present and curious about the future. Traces.Dreams is where you can find inspiration through a multidisciplinary and multi-regional perspective. Our vision is to make the big questions and dreams of today’s researchers visible. We interview researchers from different disciplines and countries to get their perspective on their work, their views on life, their “whys”, their motivation and their wishes.

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Science, Innovation, Partnerships and the future of Africa

Dr. Youssef Travaly (PhD, MBA) is the Next Einstein Forum Vice-President of Science Innovation & Institutional Partnerships. Youssef holds an MBA together with a PhD in Materials Science. He has extensive experience in a variety of sectors including semiconductor and biomedical research, low carbon circular economy and climate change.

“We are here to celebrate science. The transformative power of science in Africa.”

So began this year’s Next Einstein Forum, held in Rwanda at the end of March. This is the largest scientific gathering to ever take place in Africa, and its aim is to link African researchers around the world, and build the beginnings of a knowledge-economy which will transform the entire continent, and nurture its scientific talent.

Dr Youssef Travaly, the Vice President of Science, Innovation, and Partnerships for the Forum, holds a PhD, and has studied in Belgium, the US, and Senegal. Now based in Rwanda, he is an integral part of building this new community of inspiring African scientists.

Dr Travaly spoke to Traces.Dreams about the intricacies of the Next Einstein Forum, and what they are trying to achieve.

Traces.Dreams is a place on the web for people interested in the past, passionate about the present and curious about the future. Traces.Dreams is where you can find inspiration through a multidisciplinary and multi-regional perspective. Our vision is to make the big questions and dreams of today’s researchers visible. We interview researchers from different disciplines and countries to get their perspective on their work, their views on life, their “whys”, their motivation and their wishes.

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Do Birds Have Personality?

Lysanne Snijders is a Postdoctoral researcher on animal behavior.

“My wish for the future would be that people really start recognizing that all these animals have individual personalities. To really realize that these are all individuals with feelings, with stress, with emotions.” – Lysanne Snijders

Observing animal behavior can tell us a lot about the evolutional behavior. It can also be very practical if you are working with farm animals. But there is more than just raw data. Lysanne Snijders from the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries found something much more interesting. She’s found not only that birds have personality but that there are whole social networks between animals. They love, they hate, they cheat and they take care of each other.

Find out more about Lysanne’s search for animals’ personality in our new video.

Traces.Dreams is a place on the web for people interested in the past, passionate about the present and curious about the future. Traces.Dreams is where you can find inspiration through a multidisciplinary and multi-regional perspective. Our vision is to make the big questions and dreams of today’s researchers visible. We interview researchers from different disciplines and countries to get their perspective on their work, their views on life, their “whys”, their motivation and their wishes.


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How do Mexican elites think about inequality?

Alice Krozer tells us about her work on the perceptions of inequality among Mexican elites. Have a watch!

Traces.Dreams is a place on the web for people interested in the past, passionate about the present and curious about the future. Traces.Dreams is where you can find inspiration through a multidisciplinary and multi-regional perspective. Our vision is to make the big questions and dreams of today’s researchers visible. We interview researchers from different disciplines and countries to get their perspective on their work, their views on life, their “whys”, their motivation and their wishes.

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The beginning of central administration in middle Europe

We spoke with Pavel last year. It was one of our first interviews. He is a historian based in Prag. Last time he told about his new project.
Are you curious as well? Have a watch!

Traces.Dreams is a place on the web for people interested in the past, passionate about the present and curious about the future. Traces.Dreams is where you can find inspiration through a multidisciplinary and multi-regional perspective. Our vision is to make the big questions and dreams of today’s researchers visible. We interview researchers from different disciplines and countries to get their perspective on their work, their views on life, their “whys”, their motivation and their wishes.

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Music and identity

Last year, we spoke to Professor Maria de Lourdes Peréz Cruz about her work on hypertext and interactive narratives, and the implications of new technologies on traditional storytelling structures.
Recently, we interviewed her again, to discover more about her new project on independent music in Yucatán, and how such music is allowing local communities to share their identities.

Traces.Dreams is a place on the web for people interested in the past, passionate about the present and curious about the future. Traces.Dreams is where you can find inspiration through a multidisciplinary and multi-regional perspective. Our vision is to make the big questions and dreams of today’s researchers visible. We interview researchers from different disciplines and countries to get their perspective on their work, their views on life, their “whys”, their motivation and their wishes.

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Is it possible to align purpose and profit

Pioneer of the Brand Citizenship Movement, Global Brand Strategist

”What is the essence of life? To serve others and to do good.” – Aristotle

What is Behavioural Economics? Why does it matter? And how can companies acting as good corporate citizens create both success and sustainability in their business?

These are some of the questions that Anne Bahr Thompson, the founder of the movement of Brand Citizenship, and author of the book Do Good, is seeking to answer with her work.

Anne is passionate about showing companies that doing good is no longer a barrier to financial success. Her research on brand citizenship and cultural trends reveals that the notion of separating how your business behaves, from how you earn money, is one that is falling out of favour.

She now believes that doing good, behaving sustainably, and combining ethical considerations with economic pursuits, can actually help businesses to increase their financial success.

Watch our interview to discover the ways in which a new style economics can help lead us closer to an open, sustainable, and successful new world.

Traces.Dreams is a place on the web for people interested in the past, passionate about the present and curious about the future. Traces.Dreams is where you can find inspiration through a multidisciplinary and multi-regional perspective. Our vision is to make the big questions and dreams of today’s researchers visible. We interview researchers from different disciplines and countries to get their perspective on their work, their views on life, their “whys”, their motivation and their wishes.

Please find out more about Anne here:

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